Check-In Equipment

There are several ways to check in or return your equipment to your inventory.

By Equipment ID

  1. Go to the Athletes screen.
  2. Click the Check-In button.
  3. Scan the RFID or barcode tag into the Equipment ID field—the athlete this equipment is checked out to and the equipment information will appear on the grid. You can scan as many items as you want for one or more athletes.
  4. Click the Check-In button and the equipment will be unassigned from the athlete.

NOTE: If you scanned an Equipment ID accidentally, you can uncheck the box on the left side of that item record on the grid, and that item will not be checked in.

By Athlete

  1. Another option is to search by athlete to find the equipment you would like to check-in. Instead of scanning Equipment IDs, use the Athlete dropdown to find your athlete and click the Select button.
  2. Uncheck the items the athlete is not returning.
  3. Click the Check-In button to check-in the equipment that has checkmarks next to it.

From the Helmet or Identified Equipment screen

Go to the Helmet or Identified Equipment screen.

  1. Highlight the item you would like to check in.
  2. Click the Check-In button.

Confirm this is the item you want checked in and the equipment will be unassigned from the athlete.

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