Group Check Out

Setting up Group Check-Out

Create the name of the Check-out (example: Varsity 2020), Save.

Search to populate the field on the results grid.  Select the record and Add/Update Fields.

Select the Type of Equipment/Parts you want to add. Use the Seq Order Number to determine the order of your Equipment/Parts on the Check-Out screen. (We recommend using increments of 10 so you can add a new field without having to resequence the whole list.)

# of Fields add 1 or 2 of each Equipment/Part (example: 2 jerseys, 2 helmets)


Using Group Check Out

  1. On the Athletes screen, click the Group Check-Out button.
  2. Choose a Screen Name (These screens were created in the Check-Out Screen Setup)
  3. Choose an athlete from the drop-down list. If the athlete is not in the system, you can add them manually using the "+" button.
  4. Scan the equipment you would like to check-out for this athlete.
  5. Click the Save button. Repeat this process for each athlete.

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